We are happy to introduce Ellen Pitstick (they/them), our Program Evaluation & Public Policy Intern! 

Ellen is from the Chicago suburbs and attended Denison University for undergrad where they studied Anthropology/Sociology and Math. During this time they took an Anthropology of Food course that sparked their love of learning about others’ food traditions. Ellen is passionate about the ways food nurtures health and connection within individuals, families, and their communities. The personal stories that arise from different food communities inspire Ellen to continue their education exploring the social significance of food, as well as the policies and practices that contextualize what and how we eat. 

Currently, Ellen is in the second year of their master’s program in Food Studies at Syracuse University. They are a passionate advocate for the human right to food and nutrition. They believe all people should have access to healthy, delicious, and culturally appropriate foods, regardless of material circumstances and policies that manufacture food scarcity. Ellen also works on the Syracuse Urban Food Forest Project (SUFFP), studying how the planting of edible, publicly accessible plants can contribute to the dietary diversity of Syracuse residents. As SOFSA’s Program Evaluation and Public Policy Intern, they are working with the organization to assist with the development of policy platforms that advance SOFSAs goal of a more equitable food system. In their free time, they like to garden, grow fresh herbs, and enjoy home cooked meals with their partner.