by Ellen Pitstick | Dec 6, 2022 | Events
The Central New York Regional Market Authority (CNYRMA) is a diverse and unique local food system resource, and has long been a staple for residents of Onondaga County and beyond. The Market has been open since 1938 and consists of five “sheds” packed with over 300...
by Avalon Gupta VerWiebe | May 11, 2022 | Events, In the News
Lender Faculty Fellow Jonnell Robinson and Lender Student Fellows Shiori Green, Taylor Krzeminski, Phoebe Ambrose, Nicky Kim, and Avalon Gupta VerWiebe participated in the second annual Lender Symposium on Thursday, March 31st 2022. They were joined by SOFSA...
by Avalon Gupta VerWiebe | Dec 16, 2021 | Events
“Welcome to the Eggs-perience” On Friday, December 10th, SOFSA Advisory Board member Christina Hudson Kohler led a site visit of her fourth-generation, family-owned egg farm in Elbridge, NY, Hudson Egg Farms. Beyond her awesome work for SOFSA, Christina is...
by Paige Clay | Nov 4, 2021 | Events
On October 8th, 2021 SOFSA staff and board were invited to tour the Food Bank of Central New York (CNY) and get a glimpse into how the food bank receives, organizes, and distributes food to communities in the CNY region. The tour was hosted by Jesse Evin Kerns,...
by Steve Ali | Jul 23, 2021 | Events
Last Thursday was a big day for SOFSA and, more broadly, for the food system in all of Onondaga County. We worked with the Onondaga County Agriculture Council and the CNY Regional Market Authority on a major event, hosted our first large-scale in-person convening of...
by Steve Ali | May 14, 2021 | Events, Reflections
A few weeks ago, SOFSA hosted a planting day at Kirk Park along with our friends at Onondaga Earth Corps. It was called a memorial, but really, it was a service day with an aching heart; we were there to remember our friend Evan Weissman, who passed away last April,...